MNWAP – Production of indigenous chickens for household food security
During the baseline survey, the PAPs indicated livestock enterprises of interest (goats, Indigenous chickens, beekeeping, dairy, feedlot) and a majority showed their interests in indigenous chicken production. Indigenous chickens are a vital part of communities’ food system and this was evident in that during the baseline survey the technical team noted that almost every homestead of the PAPs had indigenous chickens.
The Thezane PAPs were trained on the fabrication of hay brooders, The hay brooders will enhance the growth performance of the indigenous chicks and help protect them from adverse weather conditions and predators. Hence, improving the survival rate of the indigenous chicks so that they reach maturity weight and help contribute to the food and economic security of the PAPs households. The youth participation in this activity was impressive and they showed enthusiasm in carpentry skills. They indicated that they have mastered the skill, and they can help fabricate more hay brooders for other community members at a fee.